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Melanocytic Nevi clinical trials at UC Davis

1 research study open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Genetic Basis of Melanocytic Nevi

    “Help us discover the genetic basis of moles.”

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    The objective of this protocol is to further elucidate the genetic mutations that drive melanocytic nevi (benign melanocytic neoplasms, moles). This will be performed by whole genome, whole exome, or targeted sequencing of de-identified specimens. Herein, the investigators plan to isolate DNA from de-identified skin biopsy specimens and blood samples: 1. From melanocytic nevi collected by skin biopsy (a shave or punch biopsy). A part of the tissue will be submitted for routine diagnostic dermatopathology and investigational histomorphologic and immunohistochemical analysis. 2. From corresponding normal tissue (blood). DNA isolated from blood will be used as a normal control when analyzing sequencing data to identify somatic mutations in lesional tissue.

    Sacramento, California

Our lead scientists for Melanocytic Nevi research studies include .

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